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The Other Guy Bride Connie Brockway 9781612181448 Books

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The Other Guy Bride Connie Brockway 9781612181448 Books

Ginesse Braxton is trouble waiting to happen! She's an intelligent girl, curious about everything, and mocked by all because her adventurous spirit has led her into several broken bones, some temper-filled conversations, and even the destruction of a very valuable ancient papyrus document. Now she's on her way to Egypt to find the lost city of Zerzura, but what she will do on her own there defies the imagination since this is 1897 when women are not expected to "do" but to "be" for their male partners/husbands. Trust Ginesse to come up with a very clever idea, to take the place of Ms. Whimpelhall, who is traveling to meet and wed her fiance, a British officer. Ms. Whimpelhall is quite seasick and says she cannot abide another trip at sea, so she asks Ginesse to take a letter to her fiance stating that she will make the rest of the journey by train. Everything seems to be falling into place so very nicely for Ginesse, that is until she actually arrives in Egypt and meets the man who will be accompanying her across the formidable Sahara desert.

Jim Owen is not whom he seems. Ginesse thinks he is the proverbial cowboy and a rather smelly, rude, and crude one at that. Yet despite their constant clashes, they are drawn to each other, which stands them both in good stead as both are avoiding people they know. If they were to meet these significant other people, disaster would strike for sure, wouldn't it? Or perhaps the two of them together are enough to invite troubles galore! Yes, these troubles are both hilarious, annoying, and very dangerous.

In the process of their travels, Ginesse and Jim get to know each other - that is, in their false identities. But little by little, revelations will unfold, and love will blossom but not until they both have to surmount more secrets and revelations that only the exotic Egyptian past can reveal to those who seek without fear. Jim is quite an unusual and special guy when all is said and done! Passion galore will flow and end in a lovely but surprising end for this stormy, feisty couple!

Nicely plotted story, Ms. Brockway - there's enough complexity and turns of the story to keep any reader avidly turning the pages. Fine romantic fiction!

Read The Other Guy Bride Connie Brockway 9781612181448 Books

Tags : The Other Guy's Bride [Connie Brockway] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Determined to prove her worth as a budding archeologist, Ginesse Braxton vows to solve one of the world's greatest mysteries--to find the location of the lost city of Zerzura. Unfortunately,Connie Brockway,The Other Guy's Bride,Montlake Romance,1612181449,9781612181448,Romance - Historical,AMERICAN HISTORICAL FICTION,AMERICAN LIGHT ROMANTIC FICTION,Archeologists,Audiobook; Audio; Book; CD; Fiction; Literature; Literary,Egypt,FICTION Romance Historical General,Fiancâees,Fiancâees;Fiction.,Fiction,Fiction - Romance,Fiction General,Fiction-Romance,GENERAL,General Adult,Historical romance,Impersonation,Impersonation;Fiction.,Love stories,Man-woman relationships,Romance - Historical - General,RomanceHistorical,Romance: Historical,United States,Women archaeologists,Women archaeologists;Fiction.,FICTION - Romance - General,FICTION - Romance - Historical,Historical fiction

The Other Guy Bride Connie Brockway 9781612181448 Books Reviews

What a delightful romp! I had not read Connie for a long time and was so glad I chose this one. I would have given this a 5 star except for some smallish irritatants. There is an event at the end of the story that was just a bit too unbelievable, especially with the lack of credible explanation, which would only have meant a few sentences, but I guess the thrown in comment was supposed to be enough.This is definitely a stand alone book, in fact I didn't have my suspicions of a previous book, until the epilogue which had nothing to do with the main characters and really made me wonder why it was felt necessary to add it. For those two reasons, it only got 4-4.5 stars. Now let me tell you the good stuff! This book held my interest throughout. I enjoyed the Time period and setting as refreshing and very "Mummy"-like if you enjoyed that movie. Every time it got to the point where I thought, "Okay, now she's going to beat that to death-"she didn't! I loved the way everyone changed their opinions throughout, and not necessarily in these huge, dramatic ways that often happen in historical romances, it was just people changing their views and therefore the story, based on new information. I was on vacation, and found myself opting out of doing things so I could sit by the lake and read this. The hero is a lot of fun especially toward the end--he and the h fit very well together, and you became invested in both their futures. This was a great summer read but would also be wonderful to be transported to their world on a rainy weekend! I am sure you won't be disappointed.
I went into this under the impression that it was going to be a search for a mysterious, lost city in the desert with a romance on the side, so I was a bit disappointed when it turned out to be the more cliched story of the Hero and heroine on a trek through the desert with various dangers to overcome. It's well-written, though, far better than most romances I've read lately. I mildly enjoyed it, I liked the setting, characters, dialogue, and it held my attention--until they get to the fort and, ironically, she finally starts hunting for the lost city.

All the momentum for that aspect of the story had fizzled out, however, and, even worse the sudden influx of characters all getting involved in the romance to some extent or other really washed out any suspense or tension. The last quarter of the book was a series of anti-climaxes that dragged on dismally to its sentimental ending. In short the last section felt like padding, though still well-written.

One major roadblock to my complete immersion and enjoyment in this book was this Victorian virgin's attitude and mental vocabulary about sex. It was so ludicrously anachronistic (and so not necessary to the story) that I kept rolling my eyes and skipping pages. I was even more incredulous when the author claims, at the end, that she went all out to weed out anachronisms.

Will I read another book of hers? I think so. There was a lot of potential for this story, it just felt like it got away from the author in the end, and no editor stepped into the breach. Too bad, it has a lot of possibilities.
Ginesse Braxton is trouble waiting to happen! She's an intelligent girl, curious about everything, and mocked by all because her adventurous spirit has led her into several broken bones, some temper-filled conversations, and even the destruction of a very valuable ancient papyrus document. Now she's on her way to Egypt to find the lost city of Zerzura, but what she will do on her own there defies the imagination since this is 1897 when women are not expected to "do" but to "be" for their male partners/husbands. Trust Ginesse to come up with a very clever idea, to take the place of Ms. Whimpelhall, who is traveling to meet and wed her fiance, a British officer. Ms. Whimpelhall is quite seasick and says she cannot abide another trip at sea, so she asks Ginesse to take a letter to her fiance stating that she will make the rest of the journey by train. Everything seems to be falling into place so very nicely for Ginesse, that is until she actually arrives in Egypt and meets the man who will be accompanying her across the formidable Sahara desert.

Jim Owen is not whom he seems. Ginesse thinks he is the proverbial cowboy and a rather smelly, rude, and crude one at that. Yet despite their constant clashes, they are drawn to each other, which stands them both in good stead as both are avoiding people they know. If they were to meet these significant other people, disaster would strike for sure, wouldn't it? Or perhaps the two of them together are enough to invite troubles galore! Yes, these troubles are both hilarious, annoying, and very dangerous.

In the process of their travels, Ginesse and Jim get to know each other - that is, in their false identities. But little by little, revelations will unfold, and love will blossom but not until they both have to surmount more secrets and revelations that only the exotic Egyptian past can reveal to those who seek without fear. Jim is quite an unusual and special guy when all is said and done! Passion galore will flow and end in a lovely but surprising end for this stormy, feisty couple!

Nicely plotted story, Ms. Brockway - there's enough complexity and turns of the story to keep any reader avidly turning the pages. Fine romantic fiction!
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