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Honeymoon in Hell Fredric Brown 9780553207521 Books

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Honeymoon in Hell Fredric Brown 9780553207521 Books

Fredric Brown wrote excellent mystery novels (try Night of the Jabberwock, for example), a few good horror stories (the title story in the collection Come And Go Mad and Other Stories is a classic), and a lot of science fiction, a field in which he specialized in what we today call "Flash Fiction"-- very short stories with surprising, often funny endings (several of these are available as free Kindle downloads). This novelette, unfortunately, is not his best. The emphasis on sex was very daring for the 1950s (nothing remotely explicit, mind you, but simply having a story whose plot turns on human reproduction was highly unusual in the SF magazines of the era), and the idea of an external crisis bringing the warring nations of the earth together was still a rather new one then, but today the story seems rather tame, and the surprises are dulled by the fact that many subsequent stories have used similar plot points.

I should emphasize that this is just a novelette (and not even a particularly long one), not a full novel. "The Galaxy Project" is reprinting novelettes and novellas which originally appeared in Galaxy in the 1950s as e-books, padding them with essays on Galaxy, on the story, on the artist who painted the cover, etc. Some of the stories in this series are first rate (Heinlein's The Year of the Jackpot (The Galaxy Project), for example), but this one is not (IMHO, of course).

Read Honeymoon in Hell Fredric Brown 9780553207521 Books

Tags : Honeymoon in Hell [Fredric Brown] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Short story collection.,Fredric Brown,Honeymoon in Hell,Bantam Books,0553207520,Science fiction, American,Science Fiction

Honeymoon in Hell Fredric Brown 9780553207521 Books Reviews

Grab this baby! Why? Because it's by one of our great mystery and sci-fi writers - a natural
writer - who could take a situation and twist it enough, complicate it enough, to make
his tale fascinating and rewarding.
I'm a longtime fan of Brown, the legendary creator of the world's shortest novel (look it up). I loved his sci-fi stories. "What Mad Universe?" and "Honeymoon in Hell" were two of my favorites. Re-reading this Galaxy Project edition of "Honeymoon in Hell" was great fun.
Bought this for light reading and it has been great for that. My kindle is with me when ever I am out and about at hockey and basketball games with my wife so I can read between when play is happening on the ice or court. This is great for that time frame.
Honeymoon in Hell is a product of its time, a time in which people believed the end of the world was near. And several stores were written around this subject. This is one of them and its end is surprising. The author is really a master of short stories.
The cultural era of the time when it was written is obvious but the ending redeems itself and the overall premise was not necessarily unique to me (though I don't know my timelines it may have been more so at the time) it was still a fun read.
I remember reading material like this and the Heinlein juvenile, or rather young adult, fiction. Nostalgia and a wish for peace met in my heart. I really, truly enjoyed it. Of course I am in my eighth decade and read Nightmares and Geezenstacks when I was in high school. Loved it then. Love it now. Very glad for the editions as my copy is ancient.
The eBook I purchased is the one that only contains the single story (as other reviewers indicated there is another version of this). It's a simple plot. The world's birth rate goes from 50/50 female/male to 100% female. The government thinks some type of radio wave is screwing up the reproductive process. A man from the US and a woman from the USSR are married and sent to the moon together. Their mission Anna to get pregnant and return to Earth. If the baby is born male, they know the problem is strictly terrestrial. Then the story proceeds through a few plot twists.

The writing is solid, though there is a lot of exposition at the end like a detective explaining a mystery to the audience. Most of the plot twists come out of nowhere, as if the author thought, "What cool thing could I make happen next?" The final page or two is a bit sappy. None of these are really big deals.

I applaud the author's use of science to explain the fiction. If there are problems with the science, you have to keep in mind it was written in 1950. There is scientific reasoning behind age restrictions on astronauts and the elaborate supply management system for surviving on and returning from the moon. There are politic elements that mostly remain as background filler. Carmody is clear about his avoidance of the topic at all costs with his Russian bride, Anna. While there are political motivations at the heart of the story, it's never shoved into the reader's face.

I can't help but wonder if this story influenced the ending of the graphic novel, the Watchmen.
Fredric Brown wrote excellent mystery novels (try Night of the Jabberwock, for example), a few good horror stories (the title story in the collection Come And Go Mad and Other Stories is a classic), and a lot of science fiction, a field in which he specialized in what we today call "Flash Fiction"-- very short stories with surprising, often funny endings (several of these are available as free downloads). This novelette, unfortunately, is not his best. The emphasis on sex was very daring for the 1950s (nothing remotely explicit, mind you, but simply having a story whose plot turns on human reproduction was highly unusual in the SF magazines of the era), and the idea of an external crisis bringing the warring nations of the earth together was still a rather new one then, but today the story seems rather tame, and the surprises are dulled by the fact that many subsequent stories have used similar plot points.

I should emphasize that this is just a novelette (and not even a particularly long one), not a full novel. "The Galaxy Project" is reprinting novelettes and novellas which originally appeared in Galaxy in the 1950s as e-books, padding them with essays on Galaxy, on the story, on the artist who painted the cover, etc. Some of the stories in this series are first rate (Heinlein's The Year of the Jackpot (The Galaxy Project), for example), but this one is not (IMHO, of course).
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