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⇒ Read Gratis Modern Classics How Green Was My Valley Penguin Modern Classics Richard Llewellyn 9780141185859 Books

Modern Classics How Green Was My Valley Penguin Modern Classics Richard Llewellyn 9780141185859 Books

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Modern Classics How Green Was My Valley Penguin Modern Classics Richard Llewellyn 9780141185859 Books

When I was 10 years old I saw Ethel Barrymore in
the play,"How Green Was My Valley." I have never
forgotten the play and will long remember the book.
Llewellyn has written a beautiful story about family,
love, loyalty, nature, music and God. Remember, "It takes
a village to raise a child? Hu Morgan was that child. He grew
up loving his Welsh mining village and his family. He had a brilliant mind
but elected to join his father and 7 brothers in the pit.
Da is loved and admired by all of the children.
Beth, the mom is a strong, beautiful woman
with love for each child in her large family. Hu, as an old man and
the only surviving family member tells their story of joy, and sorrow.
I was enthralled with the sheer beauty of Llewellyn's words. There was
a cast of many characters---you will know all of these people well.
Amazingly this book was written 75 years ago and I believe Hu Morgan
(Llewellyn) was the world's first ecologist. Hu often thinks of the harm
done by the slag from the coal mine. He bemoans the damage to trees,
flowers, river, fish and eventually damage to the cottages. This book is pure
joy, if you have not read it you are in for a treat.

Read Modern Classics How Green Was My Valley Penguin Modern Classics Richard Llewellyn 9780141185859 Books

Tags : Modern Classics How Green Was My Valley (Penguin Modern Classics) [Richard Llewellyn] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. A poignant coming-of-age novel set in a Welsh mining town, Richard Llewellyn's How Green Was My Valley is a paean to a more innocent age,Richard Llewellyn,Modern Classics How Green Was My Valley (Penguin Modern Classics),Penguin Classic,0141185856,Classic fiction,Classics,FICTION Classics,General & Literary Fiction,Literature - Classics Criticism,Modern fiction,Fiction

Modern Classics How Green Was My Valley Penguin Modern Classics Richard Llewellyn 9780141185859 Books Reviews

I can almost see the places and hear the sounds of that Welsh coal town. My childhood was spent in the anthracite mining towns in Pennsylvania. Years separated my experiences from Huw's, but I saw once again the miners walking up our hill, going home after their shift. Once more I felt my parent's worries when a strike was called. Many things changed from His time to mine, but many remained the same. Those Welshmen who left their homes to come to America continued their lives mining coal here. The names were changed, they became Griffiths, Evans, but Llewellyn stayed the same. Here they rose in rank from miner, to foreman and beyond. Thank you Richard Llewellyn for a wonderful reminder of once what was.
This book was wonderful. As a descendant of Welsh coal miners and the wife of a modern day one, it opened my eyes and gave me a sense of gratitude. For me it brought back memories of father, grandfather and husband stories about working in the coal mines. Thankfully, much has changed but the work is still hard and often dangerous. I recommend this book for its warm, witty and sometimes harsh way of portraying the men and women who quietly live and work with dignity and honor to keep the lights on.
I was given this book as a reading assignment the summer before entering high school. Thank goodness, because
I probably would have missed it otherwise. A true gem, much deeper than the award winning movie (which aint bad
itself). The Welch language and memorable characters have stayed with me. I have read it half a dozen times
and hope to read it that many more. A book I have given to countless friends and family and it never fails
to enchant.
I was 12 when I first read this book in 1961. The language was difficult for me and the author's poetic imagery was baffling, but I had the good sense to realize that whether I understood or not, this book was a treasure, true literature worth the work of discovering the author's message and intent.
As I matured, each reading of How Green Was My Valley brought o deeper understanding, more appreciation of the book's lyrical language that captured the tone of the Welsh tongue, and most of all, a love of those characters who bring a noble story to life. All through my life I found myself remembering the names of even the most minor characters, rolling the strange syllables on my tongue, tearing up as I brought their piece of the story to mind.
This book has lived its life inside my head as no other piece of literature has, teaching me in moments of clarity the author's clear message of human nature in its best and worst moments. This marvelous book is a necessary addition to the library of anyone who loves good literature, who loves language, who develops a bond with literary characters who jump off the page to live forever in a reader's heart. It is not for someone who wants something to skim while waiting for an appointment. This book is worth the attention and the work. It isn't work like diving into Moby Dick, don't get me wrong. However, the reader should be aware that the effort into entering this world, this culture, is challenging. And worth the challenge. In no time at all, a willing reader is submerged in this world that is both foreign and familiar, full of people and customs we want to know.
I have been blessed with a friend, an 82 year old Welsh woman, a storyteller with a touch of Llewelyn in her soul. I have learned her family story as we have been writing partners over the last nearly 20 years. When she tells a story about her coal miner father or her formidable mother, she slips into the lilting, lyrical tones of the Welsh speaking English and the words of the book become even more wonderful, clear and musical in my mind. She sings the songs her father sang, songs the men in the book sang as they returned home from the mine, covered in sweat and coal dust and proud to bring home their pay to their wives. Eileen's family came from the valley of the book and were spared the worst of the unrest because her mother had the sense to see the disaster that was coming. My friend's family left the valley when she was 5. She grew up in London, survived the Blitz, became an American in the 1950's and turned up in Montana in time to become my friend. Yet even now, when she speaks of home, home is her valley in Wales, a real place steeped in an nostalgia that travels back through the years to a place and a time that now lives only in the pages of How Green Was My Valley and the minds of those who still remember..
Join those of us who love this book in discovering a blue collar town filled with men and women of noble heart and soul. Welcome to our beautiful valley.
It is a good wholesome read. If you are expecting action then you are in the wrong book. But a lot does happen and many issues are tackled in a interesting way. Nothing gets forced down your throat but both sides are often represented and leaves you to make up your own mind. It has good values and in many a way that we would like to live.I love the way he handled the bad teachers but without drawing to much attention to it. It reminded me that to be noble in spirit is more often the greatest act of bravery and is often the hardest type of bravery. We are all ready to fight but often lack the guts to roll with the punches and do so without letting the other party know how hard it is for us not to retort back or fight. It is inner strength that and confidence that we lack today.
I think it would make a great movie in today's world with the right director and actors.A good set work book as well as there are many points worth discussing.
When I was 10 years old I saw Ethel Barrymore in
the play,"How Green Was My Valley." I have never
forgotten the play and will long remember the book.
Llewellyn has written a beautiful story about family,
love, loyalty, nature, music and God. Remember, "It takes
a village to raise a child? Hu Morgan was that child. He grew
up loving his Welsh mining village and his family. He had a brilliant mind
but elected to join his father and 7 brothers in the pit.
Da is loved and admired by all of the children.
Beth, the mom is a strong, beautiful woman
with love for each child in her large family. Hu, as an old man and
the only surviving family member tells their story of joy, and sorrow.
I was enthralled with the sheer beauty of Llewellyn's words. There was
a cast of many characters---you will know all of these people well.
Amazingly this book was written 75 years ago and I believe Hu Morgan
(Llewellyn) was the world's first ecologist. Hu often thinks of the harm
done by the slag from the coal mine. He bemoans the damage to trees,
flowers, river, fish and eventually damage to the cottages. This book is pure
joy, if you have not read it you are in for a treat.
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